Mamahood Outdoors
It was not uncommon in our life before kids to find David and I out in the mountains exploring. At least once or twice a month we would pack up most of our gear and drive the 4 plus hours to spend a day climbing a craig or trekking the backcountry trails. So when it came to having kids adventure parenting was always in the plans.
Some of my favorite excursions have been in the last two years! They may not be the most physically demanding or the most thrill-seeking adventures I have been on, but they were life-changing nonetheless! Seeing my child take in the everyday moments of life in the middle of the backwoods is something I will never forget!
Being an adventure parent does not come without its own set of struggles though (any of you who have planned and gone on trips with kids will understand this!). Along with there being very little available information, we often hit a brick wall with people thinking we are crazy for taking someone so young out there. I will never forget that first time someone told me my life was going to change, and that that adventuring part was over, it only fueled my passion to prove them wrong. It is because of comments like these that Mamahood Outdoors initative came about. I believe as Moms we need to celebrate being adventure moms, we need to stand together as a tribe and encourage one another, and we need to know that we can still do this!
Through this Mamahood Outdoors initative, it is my goal to help encourage other moms who are entering into this new journey of life, as well as those who have been on it for a long time. Through featuring a variety of adventure moms and providing my experiences/tips I hope to inspire other mom’s that they can get out with their kids and that they do not need to give up that part of their lives.
Are you an adventuring momma who feels just as passionate about getting your kids out on trips? Do you want to inspire others to get out with there kids? I would love to connect with you, please email me at!